Ghosts of Alloa Tower

With Alloa Tower being in excess of 700 years old, it won't be a shock to hear that over the years there have been many unexplained experiences by people visiting the Tower. Here you find the various experiences people have described over the years and where appropriate I will explain the story/myth which may be the explanation of why this experience could be happening in the Tower.

Not everyone believes in an afterlife, but as we are in the paranormal section of the website I won't be trying to find logical explanations, as any experience that can easily be logically explained hasn't been included.

We will be working through the tower one area at a time. Where I can, I will try and authenticate any names or peoples descriptions so we know who from history might be involved. I have searched the internet intensively and found some “paranormal investigations” by The Ghost Club, so where appropriate I have included any information they have reported, (with their approval).

Ground Floor

“The presence of a chapel which was used by a Cardinal to give Holy Communion is felt on the ground floor, on occasion a man has been seen dressed in Cleric Robes.”

The grandson of Alexander Erskine, 3rd Earl of Kellie, became a Cardinal Deacon in 1803. It is assumed that at some point he would have visited his family in Alloa, probably while based in London and therefore probably held Holy Communion on the Ground Floor of the Tower, this space was also used to hold the coffin of any deaths at the Tower.

“An old man has been seen chained to the wall in the dungeon area, sometimes with a rat climbing over his wounded leg. On other occasions whispering can be heard, sometimes when this happens a young girl can be seen tending to the old man's wound”

There is a space on the ground floor that was used as a dungeon, and undoubtedly there would have been rats around. Mediums sensed that the young maid was helping the old man because she knew him and wasn't happy about his imprisonment, it is believed her name was Charlotte.

“Orbs are often seen on the ground floor, where tapping and footsteps are sometimes heard too”

Orbs, tapping and footsteps seem to be the most common “paranormal activity” witnessed in any property that is known as being haunted. Investigators with the Ghost Club did experience all of these activities.

First Floor Great Hall

“Orbs seen, the sound of movement near the stairs and the sensation of being watched”

Again these are all quite common events that are witnessed in a haunted property and all were experienced by the Ghost Club Investigators

“A young girl was trapped in the well can sometimes be heard, a figure dressed in a dark tunic has been seen urgently looking down the well. Some people have experienced being pushed when approaching the well. Many people have also felt a very negative atmosphere at the well and some have reported being pushed in the direction of the well or against the wall beside it”

There is a well on this level. The mediums sensed quite a lot about this “event”. It was sensed the girl in the well was a giddy 14 year old servant girl and the figure looking down the well is a very nice, practial senior member of staff who was tasked with rescuing the girl. One of the Investigators seemed to be pushed against the wall beside the well with her hands flat against the wall. Another Investigator was in the room with her and was sure it all happened to fast for it to be fake.

“A maid has been seen pacing back and forth in front of a potrait of the Tower and the Mansion that was attached. A burning smell is sometimes smelt on the anniversary of the fire that destroyed the Mansion”

The Mansion house was burnt to the ground in 1800, it is believed that a maid left a lit candle to close to curtains. One of the Ghost Club Investigators had the sensation of people rushing around outside the Tower in great fear, the Tower was saved by the efforts of the local people and fire engine who did all they could to stop the fire spreading into the Tower. The smell of burning toast was sensed when the Investigators caught a glimpse of a rushing shadow.

“A dark figure is seen watching over a cradle, a voice has been heard saying “the cradle doesn't belong here"”

There is a wooden cradle sitting on this level, it is believed the figure is probably the Nurse maid of King James VI watching over him. It was sensed by the Investigators that it is the same woman making the statement about the cradle as it is indeed not the actual cradle that held the King. it is a similar from another property owned by the National Trust of Scotland (NTS).

A slight side step for a moment:-

King James VI was placed under the care of the John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar who became his Regent (stood in for him while he was unable to rule for himself). There are several “conspiracy theories” in relationship to who would sit on the Throne....

One of the theories which ties in with the Alloa Tower Curse is that the real King James died whilst in the care of the Erskines and was replaced with an Erskine child of the same age, this is believed to have happened shortly after the birth of both children at Edinburgh Castle (See Alloa Tower's Curse). Interestingly a Medium who touched the cradle felt the strong presence of an older lady with grey hair, who was possibly the King's nurse maid, the medium then sensed two babies in the cradle, one was alive the other was dead. Did an Erskine sit in place of King James VI?

“Stone throwing occurred when the Investigation was happening at the Tower, this was small pebble sized stones which were out of place as there was nothing similar around. This was witnessed by two of the Investigators”

This is again quite common in haunted properties, generally speaking it is in a response to someone asking for a ghost to confirm its presence by throwing something. Very often it is a peeble sized stone, but for it to be claimed unexplained it must be out of place as these ones were, ie there can't be a display with similar stones in it nearby etc.

Second Floor Charter Room

“Orbs have been seen in the Charter Room, it also gives females the feeling they are not welcome in the room at times.”

The Orbs as stated before are very common, as is a “feeling” of sometimes preference of who is or isn't welcome in a room, as well as emotions ie happiness, sadness, mournfulness etc.

“In the Charter Room there have been the “ghosts” of at least three people witnessed at different times. One is a gentleman hurrying around, sometimes giving the feeling he is busy organising something”

There has been several times over the years when things will have been getting organised at the Tower ie, Putting the mansion fire out, organising troops or possibly overseeing when there were alterations carried out on the Tower.

“An elderly women sitting at the Dining Table near the wall, wearing older clothes”

Many women have lived in the Tower. The Investigators sensed a couple of figures sitting at the Dining table.

“An elderly man sitting in a bath chair, with bushy eyebrows who is approximately 90 years old and wearing a shawl can be seen”

Many men have lived in the Tower maybe this Gentleman isn't ready to totally leave.

Third Floor Solar Room

“A hanging man is often seen and the sensation of strangulation felt”

It is not known if hangings ever occurred in this room but the strangulation feeling is the most often paranormal event which happens in the tower.

“A young boy age eight or nine is often seen who is timid and active and the sensation of a child touching peoples hands”

It isn't known who the boy is, but many children have grown up at the Tower.

“footsteps over head sometimes heard, but no floor over head”

Many visitors to the Tower have reported hearing footsteps above their heads when they are in the Solar Room, as did the Investigators. If you look carefully it is possible to see where at one point there was at least a ceiling above the Solar Room if not another room.

“a feeling of betrayal and that a table is absent from the room”

Several times it has been commented that the room has a sense of betrayal in it and that it feels like there should be a table present in the room. The Investigators sensed this too infact they felt that important and sometimes arguementative meetings took place in this room,

Turnpike Staircase

“A ball or ring have been heard bouncing down the staircase”

Undoubtedly a child at some point in time will have taken great delight in going to the top of the Tower and allowing their ball to bounce all the way down, just as a ring would no doubt do. The Investigators heard these noises while on the Staircase

“A Black Cat or White Dog has been seen in this staircase as well as elsewhere in the Tower, they can also sometimes be felt as they brush past people's legs”

Undoubtedly there will have been cats and dogs live at the Tower over the years. There is a painting with a white dog apparently within The National Galleries of Scotland.


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