New Statistical Account - Logie Parish

Laid out below is a copy of the New Statistical Account of Scotland entry for Logie parish, published in 1845.

The New Statistical Account of Scotland – Volume 8, (1845)


(Presbytery of Dunblane, Synod of Perth and Stirling.)

By the Rev. William Robertson, Minister.


I. - Topography and Natural History.

Name. - The name Logie is of very common occurrence in Scotland. It is said to be derived from the Gaelic Lap or Laggie, signifying low or flat ground.

Extent - The extreme length of the parish from north to south is between 6 and 7 miles ; and its extreme breadth from east to west, about 6.

Boundaries, - It is bounded on the north, by the parish of Dunblane ; on the south, by the river Forth, which divides it from the parishes of Stirling and St Ninians ; on the west, by Lecropt and Dunblane ; and on the east, by Alva and Alloa.

Topographical Appearances. - The shape of this parish is very irregular, owing to the windings of the Forth, which forms its southern boundary. From the Forth to the foot of the Ochil hills, the country is a dead level, of rich and highly cultivated carse ground, presenting a remarkable and pleasing contrast with this bold and almost perpendicular range of hills, rising suddenly from the plain to the height of 2500 feet. In the parish of Logie the Ochils are almost entirely destitute of wood, except in the immediate vicinity of Airthrey Castle ; but their lofty and precipitous front, stretching in one long unbroken chain from west to east, clothed with rich pasture, interrupted by rugged precipices and bare rocks, presents to the eye one of the most picturesque and beautiful mountain ranges to be found in Scotland. The most remarkable peak in this, parish is Demyat, well known to the tourist as commanding one of the most extensive and finely diversified views in the kingdom. From its summit, the Forth, the chief of Scottish rivers, may be traced almost from its source in Loch Ard, as far as the German Ocean. Edinburgh is distinctly seen, and it is even said that the coast of Ireland is sometimes visible. The well known windings of the Forth, and the more humble, but hardly less picturesque meanderings of the Devon, "Stirling's ancient tower and town," the ruins of Cambuskenneth Abbey, and the beautiful domain of Airthrey Castle, form the most striking objects in the immediate foreground, while the view on the north and west, bounded by the lofty summits of the Grampians, extends on the south as far as the hills of Peebles-shire.

Climate, - The climate of the low lands of the parish of Logie is peculiarly mild and healthy, on which account, as well as for the benefit of goat-whey, the village of Blair Logie and its neighbourhood, at the foot of the Ochils, have long been a favourite resort for invalids in spring and summer. The mountainous district of the parish (which is inhabited by only five or six families,) enjoys a much keener, though not less healthy atmosphere. The improvement of agriculture has tended, in a remarkable degree, to improve the general healthiness of the district. The land being thoroughly drained, and brought into the highest state of cultivation, ague, and other distempers, endemic in wet marshy situations, and formerly very prevalent in this country, have entirely disappeared; while the great number of inhabitants who reach a very advanced period of life, afford the best proof of the salubrity of the climate. Infectious distempers are but little known, and even the cholera, which made great ravages in the neighbouring districts, never spread itself in this parish.

Hydrography. - The Frith of Forth, which bounds the parish on the south, is navigable for vessels of considerable burden as far as Stirling, at high tide, forming one of the most important means of inland water communication in the kingdom. The water is thick and muddy, the banks low, slimy, and covered with reeds and sedges.

The Devon and the Allan, which bound the parish on the east and west respectively, have been rendered classic streams by Burns and Scott. The Devon, near its source among the Ochils, is a very romantic stream. Its course is peculiarly circuitous and winding. After having made the circuit of the whole range of the Ochils, it falls into the Forth at Cambus, in the parish of Alloa, almost directly opposite the spot where it rises on the opposite side of the hills. The parish is well watered by numerous mountain streams, and springs of the finest water.

The only piece of standing water is a beautiful little artificial lake in Airthrey Park.

Airthrey Mineral Spring. - The mineral spring now so celebrated, and so much resorted to by invalids, rises on the estate of Airthrey, on the high grounds above the village of Bridge of Allan. It was discovered in the course of working the Airthrey copper mine, from the sole of which it springs. The miners, conceiving it to be a common salt spring, made use of it for culinary purposes, and gave it a decided preference to all other water. There an four springs in all, though Dr Thomson of Glasgow, owing some mistake, which I have not heard accounted for, has give analyses of six distinct springs. "Of these four springs, numbers 1 and 2, (commonly called the Weak Water,) are conveyed into the same reservoir and used together ; No. 3, the Strong Water, is used alone ; and No. 4, which issues from the rock on the western wall of the mine, is not used. It is a scanty spring, termed the Black Spring, in consequence of its depositing in the natural basin, into which it is received, a black substance, which has not been examined." (Forrest's Report.)

The following is a copy of the results of Dr Thomson's analysis, as published in the Airthrey Table in the pump-room :

Springs, No. 1 and 2; specific gravity, 1.00714. 1000 grains contain,
Common salt, 5.1 grains.
Muriate of lime, 4.674
Sulphate of lime, 0.26
Total - 13.034

One pint contains,
Common salt, 37. 15 grains.
Muriate of lime, 34.32
Sulphate of lime, 1.19
Total - 73.68

Spring, No. 3; specific gravity, 1.00915. 1000 grains contain,
Common salt, 6.746 grains.
Muriate of lime, 5 826
Sulphate of lime, 0.716
Muriate of magnesia, 0.086
Total - 13.374

A wine pint contains,
Common salt, 47.534 grains.
Muriate of lime, 38.461
Sulphate of lime, 4.715
Muriate of magnesia, 0.450
Total - 89.160

Spring, No. 4, (as before-mentioned not used, and on which account not mentioned in the Airthrey Table) ; specific gravity, 1.00984; contains.
Common salt, 537.567 grains.
Muriate of lime, 282.769
Sulphate of lime, 26.084
Muriate of magnesia, 2.438
Total - 848.858,

"On the 18th November 1830, the temperature of the water of spring No. 3, as it issues from the rock in the mine, was 51.25 degrees. At the same time the temperature of the air of the mine was 52 degrees. The temperature, as it falls from the pump in the pump-room, about an hour after the preceding observations in the mine, was 49.25 degrees, the air of the room being at the same time 49.50 degrees. The quantity of water delivered by this spring in twenty-four hours was, on the 18th November 1830, in round numbers, 1260 imperial gallons ; and the tacksman informs me that the supply is not much affected by the seasons. The water is transparent and colourless, and destitute of smell. Its taste is bitter and unpleasant."

"On the same day, the average temperature of the two springs Nos. 1 and 2 was 50 degrees, the temperature of the mine being 52 degrees. The temperature of the water as it fell from the pump, 47.50 degrees. The quantity of water delivered by these springs in twenty-four hours, was 360 imperial gallons. The tacksman, however, states that this supply is far below the average ; and he attributes that deficiency to leakage in the pipes. He thinks that, in general, the supply of the weak water equals that of the strong. The weak water, like the strong, is transparent and colourless, and destitute of smell. Its taste, though rather bitter, is by no means unpleasant." (Forrest's Report.)

The value of these springs, in a medicinal point of view, is unquestioned. Considered as a saline aperient, the Airthrey waters far surpass those of Pitcaithly and Dunblane ; and are only inferior in the amount of their impregnation to some of the springs at Cheltenham and Leamington." It may be even doubted," says Mr Forrest, "if they are not entitled to take precedence of these springs." As a remedy for scrofula, the same gentleman ranks them second only to the waters of Pitcaithly, on account of their richness in muriate of lime ; and the Airthrey spring. No. 4, he considers as decidedly superior even to these last mentioned in this point of view. But, if the value of a mineral water is to be inferred not only from the facts furnished by its chemical analysis, but also from experience of the benefits arising from its use, the Airthrey springs must be placed in the very highest rank among the mineral springs of Great Britain. Every season adds to their reputation ; and, in defiance of all the inconveniences of very indifferent accommodation in the neighbouring lodging-houses, the numbers that repair thither in search of health are every year rapidly increasing. It is much to be regretted that both the lodging-houses, and the pump-room itself, are still in a style so little corresponding to the increasing fame of the waters, and the number of visitors.* I am told, that, during the present season, nearly 500 persons have drunk of the waters in one day; and numerous families are every year obliged to return home for want of accommodation, even of the meanest kind. The pump-room is small and mean. A very neat building, in the cottage style, has, however, been lately erected by Lord Abercromby, and conveniently fitted up with hot, cold, and shower baths. It is greatly to be wished that some enterprising individual would establish an hotel, after the model of those at Harrogate or Pitcaithly, which, if properly managed, could not fail of making a very considerable return. For a more particular account of these springs, and of the particular diseases in which they have been found beneficial, the reader is referred to the very distinct and circumstantial Report, already so often quoted, by Mr William Hutton Forrest, surgeon in Stirling.

* Since the above was written, the accommodation at Bridge-of Allan has been much improved, by the erection of a considerable number of very comfortable lodging-houses ; and, as the increase of visitors seems fully to keep pace with the increase of accommodation, we may expect that more will be built shortly.

For the following account of the Geology and Mineralogy of the parish, I am indebted to the kindness of Robert Bald, Esq. Civil-Engineer.

Geology. - This parish, in a geological point of view, is divided into two distinct portions, both as regarding the alluvial covers or deposit above the rocks, and the rocks themselves. This line of division runs in an east and west direction. Upon the north side of this line are the Ochil Hills, and on the south side of it is the arable land declining to the river Forth.

The Ochils are composed of trap rocks, generally supposed to be of volcanic origin. The beds are of various thickness, nearly vertical, having their dip to the south. The veins in them run in a northerly direction, with a few exceptions.

The rocks under the land to the south of the Ochils, and in contact with them, are of the coal formation, being a continuation of the Clackmannanshire coal-field, which commences about a mile east from Dollar, at the foot of the Ochils. No trials of any extent have been made for coal in this parish ; and there is very little hope of finding any of a workable thickness, because it is evident that the strata belong to the lowest series which compose the great coal-field of Scotland.

The rocks of this formation not having been laid open at the foot of the Ochils, no account can be given of the dip next their face ; but there is every reason to conclude, that, as they are a continuation of the Clackmannanshire coal-field, which, along the face of the Ochils, is of a trough shape, the strata here will dip and rise in the same manner, that is, they will rise quickly to the north, along the foot of the hills, and, forming a trough to the south, will there rise with a moderate inclination to the south. It is evident that the western end of the trough is in this parish, as the coal strata are seen rising to the west, near Causewayhead.

The Ochils, being of trap rock, are various in their composition, hardness, and colour. The amygdaloid rock is abundant, with agates and calc-spar of a globular form disseminated. Along the face of the hills, and particularly to the westward, is a thick bed of conglomerate rock, or breccia, having a dark-brown coloured arenaceous base, in which are imbedded fragments of trap rock, chiefly angular.

The coal formation rocks are chiefly sandstone, of various shades of white and red, with alternating beds of slate-clay, in which are found beds and balls of common clay ironstone. Some thin beds of coarse limestone are also found.

In the midst of these strata of the coal formation, where they rise to the west and form the west end of the trough or basin, rises the remarkable rock known by the name of Abbey Craig. It is a trap rock, and of that kind denominated greenstone. It rises from the east to the west, at an inclination of about one in four, and terminates in a very abrupt craggy precipice of about 500 feet in height from the plain. From the foot of the precipice there is a sloping foot or glacier of about half of the height, and this slope is covered with very large boulders, and immense masses of the rock which have fallen from the precipice. This rock of Abbey Craig is, in every respect, both with regard to texture, general form, and dip, precisely similar to the Stirling Castle and Craigforth Rocks, in the immediate vicinity.

The natural divisions or fissures of the Abbey Craig Rock are the same as in all greenstone rocks, that is, they are at right angles to the sole or bed on which it rests ; so that the precipice presents a rude columnar form.

The greenstone rock does not compose the whole height of Abbey Craig from the plain on the west, it being only about 250 feet thick, or nearly the half of the whole height The strata found under it are composed of the various coal strata before-mentioned. Here some trials have been made for coal and limestone ; the latter, of a coarse quality, was found ; also argillaceous iron-stone, but no mineral of a workable value. It is, however, thought, from the analogy of similar strata, that a workable limestone may be found in this quarter.

The greenstone is composed of felspar and hornblende, and, when broken, presents a rough crystallized appearance.

With regard to organic remains, none have been found in the Ochils. This circumstance constitutes one of the chief discriminating characters of this class of rocks. In the coal formation adjoining, the usual organic remains have been found.

The only ore found in this parish, and wrought to some extent, is copper. It was found in veins.

The simple minerals, found in the trap rocks are, small rock crystals, calc-spar, heavy spar, ironstone, agates, felspar, and hornblende.

The alluvial deposits upon the Ochils are chiefly composed of the debris of the rocks, mixed with sandy loam and gravel ; and at the foot of the Ochils, from the village of Menstrie to the west-ward of Airthrey Castle, are undulated banks, mounds, and knolls of loam, sand, and gravel, in which are occasionally large boulders. This deposit of gravel appears to have been occasioned by the opening which had once existed betwixt the Abbey Craig and the Ochils. All the alluvial deposits south of the face of the Ochils, and those mounds of gravel, are of a more recent formation than that before-mentioned, being evidently formed by the tides in the River Forth. In Scotland, this deposit is known by the name of carse land, and is very fertile. The surface has a declination to the River Forth, quite imperceptible. In the eastern part of the parish, it reaches to the rocky foot of the Ochils, from which they rise abruptly without any intermediate deposit. This alluvial deposit is of very various depth. Bores have been put down above 30 feet before reaching the rock ; but in all the bores put down to the south of Abbey Craig, no rock has been found ; indeed, there is reason to conclude that it is of a very great depth.

The upper part of this deposit is a strong adhesive clay, from three to six feet in thickness, under which is a very soft silt or sleech of a dark bluish-black colour. In this silt is uniformly found a bed of sea-shells mixed with sand. The varieties of these are the same as those found recently at Leith ; but the most numerous are those of the common oyster, mussel, and cockle. This bed of shells extends for miles both to the east and west of Abbey Craig. The most remarkable animal remain found in this parish, in this deposit, was the entire skeleton of a whale, which, according to the measurements which were made, must have been fully seventy feet long. It was found in the year 1819, in the course of some draining operations carrying on by the late Sir Robert Abercromby in the estate of Airthrey. The place where it was found was adjoining the south side of the turnpike-road east from the eastern porter's lodge, which leads to Airthrey Castle, and near to the north verge of the alluvial deposit of the River Forth. The bones were, in general, hard and undecayed, and lay in regular connected order from the head to the tail. They were imbedded in the blue silt immediately under the stiff clay. It was found, from very accurate levels taken, that this skeleton lay twenty-two feet higher than the pitch of the present highest stream-tides of the River Forth, immediately opposite. From which circumstance there is reason to conclude, that the highest tides of the River Forth are, in this district, at least twenty-six feet lower than they were at the time when the whale was stranded ; and it is evident that this must have been many centuries before the Romans invaded this country, as there was till lately upon the side of the Forth, near the farm-house of the manor, a Roman fort, - and the Manor Ford, which had been connected with the fort, and formed of loose stones, remains to the present day. These circumstances prove, that the Forth has not changed its course in this immediate district for an immense period of years.

Sir Robert Abercromby was at all due pains to have the bones very carefully dug up, and carried to a safe place in his court of offices ; and then, in the most liberal and polite manner, presented the whole to the museum of the Edinburgh University. The immense canine-bone and ribs, and a few of the vertebrae, are to be seen at the head of the lower room of the museum. It is remarkable that one of the ribs had been broken and knit again, as the bone is much thicker at that place.

Several veins have been opened and explored in this parish, in search of copper in the Ochils, but none yielded copper in any quantity, excepting the vein at the Mine House. The vein is in the conglomerate or breccia rock ; it runs in a northerly direction, and was drained by a day level, carried up from the flat alluvial land, the mouth of which is on the north side of the turnpike-road, and immediately adjoining it. The late Williams, the mineralogist, visited this mine, many years ago ; and he states in his works that the appearances of copper were good in the sole of the mine ; but the vein can be wrought no deeper without the aid of machinery.

About forty years ago, this copper mine, after having been for a long time abandoned as an unprofitable adventure, was opened by the Caledonian Mining Company, and wrought with considerable enterprise and spirit. After they had accumulated a quantity of dressed ore, and the vein appearing favourable for being productive, they erected at Alloa smelting-furnaces, where excellent copper was produced ready for the manufacturer; but the promising appearances failed, and, after much loss, the adventure was given up and the furnaces taken down. Both yellow and grey copper ores were found, but chiefly the yellow; the accompanying minerals were calc-spar and heavy-spar. The ironstone found in the coal formation was the common argillaceous kind, which yields about 30 per cent of iron.

There are a few open quarries in this parish. One is of sand-stone near Causewayhead, but the stone is only fit for very inferior purposes. There are several quarries in the Ochils for stones, suitable for making and repairing of roads ; and a quarry at Abbey Craig has been wrought for a long period of years, not only for the making of roads, but for gate-posts and masonry. It is particularly to be noticed, that those portions of it which, when broken, present a rough crystallized surface, have been extensively used for the grinding of wheat.

As the chief supply of mill-stones used in the kingdom, for the manufacture of flour, was imported from France, it was with the greatest difficulty they could be procured during the long war with France, and that at a most enormous price, - on which account, the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, London, offered a premium of L.105 to the person who would find in Great Britain a rock, from which mill-stones could be made for the manufacture of flour, as a substitute for the French mill-stones, known by the names of Bhurr-stones.

The Abbey Craig rock, on account of its rough surface when broken, was thought by James Brownhill, miller at the Alloa mills, to be suitable for the manufacture of flour ; and from it he made a pair of mill-stones, the first which ever had been made from that species of rock. These, when brought to trial, produced flour in every point equal to that produced from the French mill-stones. A pair of the Abbey Craig mill-stones were sent to London, and the Society of Arts were so fully satisfied with the execution of these stones, and the quality of the flour produced, that they awarded their premium of L.105 to James Brownhill for the discovery.

The Abbey Craig mill-stones are built or composed of a number of pieces, similar to the French mill-stone. They have a very uniform cutting surface, but require to be more frequently picked or dressed than the French stones ; but a very slight dressing is necessary and is quickly done. They require no alum, whereas the numerous large cells, with which the French mill-stones abound, required to be filled with melted alum every time the stones are dressed, which is a constant expense.

More than three hundred pairs of these mill-stones have been made from the Abbey Craig rock, both for the manufacture of flour and for distillery purposes, for which they are also peculiarly suitable; they cost from L.12 to L.20 a pair, at the time a pair of French mill-stones cost from L.45 to L.60; but since the establishment of peace with France, the French mill-stones have fallen very low in price, while the cost of the Abbey Craig stones remains the same as formerly, so that there is now comparatively little demand for the latter.

Zoology. - The zoology of this parish differs but little from that of the rest of Scotland. The Ochil hills abound in rabbits. Foxes are not numerous. Game of the ordinary sorts is abundant. There are a good many grouse to be found on the hills, and a few pheasants on the low grounds and plantations. Squirrels are very numerous in the woods of Airthrey. Hawks of various kinds are to be met with, and the blue hunting falcon occasionally makes his nest on Dunmyat. Deer are to be met with on the hills, but they are not numerous. The hill streams abound in trout ; and both the Devon and Allan are frequented by lovers of the angle. The salmon of the Forth are well known ; but there is no fishing-station in this parish.

Botany, - The following list of rare or interesting phaenogamous plants found in the parish of Logie, is copied from Mr Forrest's Report, formerly alluded to :

Agrostis canina
Vaccinium uliginosum
— — Oxycoccos
Solidago Virgaurca
Poa aquatica
Sparganiura simplex
Symphytum officinale
Sium latifolium
Briza media
Juniperus communis
Ulex nanus
Fumaria claviculata
Scirpus pauciflorus
Convallaria niajalis
Anagallis arvensis

Lysimachia Nummularia
Sedum villosum
Juncus glaucus
Agrimonia Eupatoris
Reseda Luteola*
Mentha rubra
Tanacetum vulgare
Ribes nigrum
Ononis arvensis
Scrophularia nodosa
Aster Tripolium
Valeriana officinalis
Caltha palustris
Digitalis purpurea **
Atropa Bclladona ***

Gnaphalium germanicum
Saxifraga granulata
Anthyllis vulneraria
Malva moschata
Lychnis viscaria
Cistus helianthemum
Epilobium angustifolium
Arenaria verua
Echium vulgare
Cichoriuni Intybus
Chrysanthemum segettim
Scabiosa arvensis
Asperula odorata
Rosa arvensis
Geum urbanum

* This plant is found in great abundance at the foot of Dunmyat. It was used in dyeing woollen stuffs of a yellow colour.

** The variety with the white flower is found on the Ochils near Menstrie.

*** Abounds on the Abbey Craig. The berries of this plant are highly poisonous. The effects are best counteracted by drinking freely of vinegar.

Geum rivale, Geranium pratense, Sedum reflexum, **
Punus Cerasus, Geranium dissectium, * Mimulus luteus. ***

The principal plantations are on the estate of Airthrey on the Ochils, and are in a thriving condition. There are no very ancient trees.

* Is very abundant in the fields. In 1827, the hay crop in this neighbourhood was very much injured by this plant. It had evidently been sown with the seed.

** A specimen of this plant is growing on the roof of a house in the village of Causewayhead beside Sempervivum tectorum.

*** (Flora Americae Septentrionalis, p. 426,) is found on the banks of the Forth below Causewayhead, at a great distance from gardens, and perfectly naturalized.

II. - Civil History.

As might be expected from its neighbourhood to the important fortress of Stirling, the parish of Logie is not deficient in the glories of old days. It was the scene of one of the most splendid victories of the Scottish patriot, Wallace, the battle of Stirling, September 13, 1297. It was on the hill called Abbey Craig that the Scottish army was posted the night before the engagement, and the scene of action itself appears to have been about the place now called Corntown.

Eminent Men. — Of important events within the memory of man, Logie has little to boast ; but there are some names connected with the parish of which it may well be proud. The Earls of Stirling were originally barons of Menstrie, in this parish. They are mentioned in history so far back as 1505. The first Earl of Stirling was William, sixth Baron of Menstrie, born in 1580. He was an accomplished scholar and poet, and much esteemed by James VI., from whom he received the honour of knighthood. In 1621, he obtained a grant of extensive lands in North America, and settled the colony of Nova Scotia. Charles I. appointed him Lieutenant of Nova Scotia, gave him a power of selling that territory in lots of not more than 150 individuals, who were to be invested with the title of Baronet, and rank above all knights, except the Equites aurati His Majesty conferred upon him also the privilege of coining a small copper money called "Turners.'' He was made a member of Privy-Council, Secretary of State, Keeper of the Signet in Scotland, Commissioner of Exchequer, Senator of the College of Justice: and at the coronation in Holyrood House, June 1633, was created Earl of Stirling, Viscount Canada, Lord Alexander of Tullibody, to his heirs-male. He died in London, on the 12th February, and was interred in Stirling on the 12th April 1640. He acquired considerable reputation as a poet. Besides love sonnets and a variety of smaller pieces, he published tragedies under the title of "Elegiac Dialogues for the Instruction of the Great." His "Paroenesis or Exhortation to Government," addressed to Prince Henry, is a poem of no common merit. His largest production, a sacred poem, entitled "Doomsday," was finished 1614. Speaking of his works, Mr Addison observes, "I have read them over with the greatest satisfaction."

Alexander Hume, minister of Logie, appears with some degree of distinction among the early Scottish poets. He was the second son of Patrick Hume of Polwarth, from whom the noble family of Marchmont derived its lineage. (Wood's Peerage, Vol. ii. p.17a) He is supposed to have been born about the year 1560, and to have been partly educated in the University of St Andrews. He was originally destined for the Bar, and he followed the usual method of preparation by completing his studies in France ; but, being disgusted with the profession of a lawyer, he afterwards endeavoured to obtain preferment at Court, where his elder brother, Patrick, who was likewise a poet, possessed considerable influence.

In an epistle written when he was thirty years of age, and addressed to Dr Moncrieff, Physician to the King, "his tender friend, Moncrieff, mediciner," he communicates several particulars of his early history. His experience of the Court was not more satisfactory ; and, having finally directed his views to the church, he was appointed minister of Logie in the year 1598. Here he remained till the period of his death, 4th December 1609. Hume is the author of a volume, printed by Robert Waldegrave, under the title of "Hymnes, or Sacred Songs, wherein the right use of Poesie may be espied. Whereunto are added the experience of the author's youth, and certaine precepts serving to the practise of sanctification." Edinburgh, 1599, 4to. This volume has been reprinted as a contribution to the Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh, 1832, 4to. These poems, which are dedicated to Lady Culross, are creditable to the moral and religious feelings of the author, nor are they altogether destitute of energy. They cannot, indeed, be commended as containing much that deserves the name of poetry, but they are at least superior to most of the pious effusions of that age. His sacred songs are eight in number, including a poem chiefly descriptive of "the Day Estival ;" and another on the defeat of the Spanish Armada. His description is rather equable and pleasing than vivid and striking. The Day Estival was inserted by Dr Leyden in his collection entitled Scottish Descriptive Poems, with some illustrations of Scottish literary antiquities. Edinburgh, 1803, 8vo. It may likewise be found in Mr Campbell's Specimens of the British Poets, Vol. ii. p. 238. Hume appears to have maintained an exemplary character as a clergyman. In Row's MS. History of the Church of Scotland, he is enumerated among "those godlie and faithfull servants," whom the author had himself known, and who had ''witnessed against the hierarchy of prelates in this kirk."

But the name that reflects the highest honour on this parish as the place of his birth, is that of General Sir Ralph Abercromby, the hero of Aboukir, who was born at the family seat, at Menstrie, in 1734. His baptism is registered in the parish record, bearing date October 26, 1734. Of one whose fame is so widely spread, it would be idle to speak here. He is numbered among the best and bravest of Britain's many good and brave, and his memorial is the history of his country.

The principal resident landed proprietors are, Lord Abercromby, and Thomas Buchanan, Esq. of Powis.

Parochial Register. — There has been no register of deaths or burials kept in this parish, except in the years 1761 and 1763. Baptisms have been recorded on application (which, however, has been too much neglected,) since February 12, 1688 ; and the record of proclamation of banns opens on January 17 of the same year. The session records have been regularly kept since 15th August 1688.

Antiquities, etc. — These may be briefly enumerated, viz. two of those large upright stones, to be found in various parts of Scotland, intended, probably, to commemorate some battle or event long since forgotten. They are situated in Airthrey Park, about quarter of a mile distant the one from the other. One is about 10 1/2 feet in height, (of which upwards of 2 1/2 feet are under ground,) and 8 1/2 feet in girth. The other is 9 feet 4 inches high above ground, and 14 feet 9 inches in girth.

2d. The remains of a Pictish fort on Castle Law, one of the Ochils ; or rather the tradition of such a fort, for the traces of its existence are hardly distinguishable.

3d. A Roman ford and causeway across the Forth at Manor.

4th Above fifty years ago there was found a number of spear-heads under some stones at Abbey Craig. They were composed of a kind of bell metal, or brass, and it was concluded they were of Danish manufacture. One of these, however, at present in the possession of Lord Abercromby, is so beautifully and tastefully constructed, and unites so much elegance of shape with strength and lightness, as to suggest the idea that it must be either Roman or Grecian.

Some years ago, when a part of the Roman causeway already alluded to was broken up, a singular old horse-shoe was found ; and in various places along the front of the Ochils sepulchral urns with bones have been dug up ; also stone and bronze battle-axes. There is a traditional report, that the last coinage of Scotch bawbees was of the copper from Airthrey mines.

III. - Population.

In 1831, the population was estimated at 1943. This, however, does not include the village of Abbey and its district, comprehending a population of 216. The Abbey district is at present considered part of Stirling parish ; but there is reason to believe on very insufficient grounds ; and there is an action pending or preparing with the view of recovering it to the parish of Logie. Though the writer considers it an integral part of this parish, he has omitted taking any notice of it in the present account, as it will probably be included in the account of the parish of Stirling.

Exclusive of this district, the number of the population residing in villages is 1242, and the remaining 700 in the country.

It would be difficult to fix the average of births, as many parents make no application to have the names of their children registered. The yearly average of those registered for the last seven years is 12. There is no register of deaths kept in the parish. The average number of marriages is 18.

Number of families of independent fortune residing in the parish, 2. Number of proprietors of land, 28, nearly all of whom draw upwards of L.50 a year from their property. Number of insane sent from the parish to the Glasgow Lunatic Asylum, 3 ; fatuous, 2.

Character of the People, etc. — The people are in general cleanly in their habits, especially in those villages which are frequented by strangers in summer. On the whole, they are decidedly an industrious, moral, and church-going population ; generally comfortable, and, it is hoped it may be added, contented.

The people are not addicted to poaching. Formerly there were one or two stills among the Ochil Hills ; and the village of Craigmill was notorious as the haunt of smugglers, but since the duty on spirits has been lowered, smuggling in all its branches has disappeared.

IV, - Industry.

Agriculture. - Number of acres, Scotch measure, in cultivation, (of which about 9000 are carse, and 1000 dryfield,) about .... 4000

In pasture, about .... 5000

Under wood, about ..... 1000

The land kept continually in pasture is confined to the hill ground. Part of this was at one time in cultivation ; but it was found that it could not be cultivated to advantage, owing to the climate and the expense of management.

The wood in this parish is chiefly planted. It consists of fir, larch, oak, ash, elm, plane, beech, etc. On the whole, the management, with regard to thinning, etc. is good. The neighbouring country is supplied with wood for farm-buildings, palings, and other agricultural purposes, from the Airthrey plantations, by means of a saw-mill erected on the property.

Rent of Land. - The average rent of arable land in the parish may be estimated about L.2, 10s. per acre. Rents in the Kerse are generally payable in grain, converted into money, according to the fiars' prices, 2 1/4 bolls wheat per acre being about the average. The average rent of grazing on the low ground for a cow or ox probably from L.2, 10s. to L.3, and for a sheep on the high lands, about 4s. 6d.

Rate of Wages, etc. - The rate of wages for labourers is 10s. per week, summer and winter ; masons and carpenters, 2s. 6d. per day.

Live-Stock. - The common breeds of sheep in this parish are the black-faced and the Cheviot. The wool of the former has been much improved by crossing with the Leicestershire breed. The Cheviots have been lately introduced, and are likely to prove advantageous. Considerable attention has been paid to the breed of milk cows. They are principally Ayrshire. The breed of draught horses has also been carefully attended to.

Leases, - The duration of leases is generally nineteen years, which is commonly considered favourable to the occupier. The farm-buildings are, in general, in pretty good condition. Wedge-draining is almost universal in the Kerse farms, and is of the very greatest benefit.

Husbandry. - The system of husbandry pursued in the Kerse is a six years' rotation, viz. fallow, wheat, beans, barley, hay, and oats, Potatoes and turnips are not much cultivated in the Kerse, but are raised in considerable quantities on the dryfield part of the parish.

Produce, - The following may be considered a pretty fair calculation of the produce of the Kerse :

500 acres in wheat, at 4 quarters per acre, and averaging L.2. 11s. l0d. per quarter, ... L.5188 6 8

500 acres in beans, at 4 quarters per acre, and averaging at L.1. 11s. 7d. per quarter, .... L.3156 6 8

500 acres in barley, at 5 4/5 quarters per acre, and averaging L.1. 11s. 10d. per quarter, ....L.4377 1 8

500 acres in oats, at 5 4/5 quarters per acre, and averaging L.1. 1s. 5d. per quarter, L.2944 15 10

500 acres in hay, at 200 stones of 22 lbs. per acre, averaging L.3 per 100 stones, ....L.3000 0 0

100 acres in potatoes, at 40 bolls per acre, averaging 5s. per boll, L.1000 6 0

400 acres in fallow.

8000 acres. Gross produce, L.19,668 10 10


The dryfield, supposed to extend to about l000 acres, the one-half of which is pasture, as follows ;

500 acres in pasture, say ; L.250 0 0

125 acres in oats, at 4 quarters per acre, averaging L.1, 0s. 11D per quarter, .... L.522 18 4

63 acres in potatoes, at 35 bolls per acre, averaging 5s. per boll, L.551 5 0

62 acres in turnip, at L. 6 per acre, . . L.372

125 acres in barley, at 3 4/4 quarters per acre, averaging L.l, 5s. 4d. per quarter, .... L.554 3 4

125 acres in hay, at 120 stones, at 6d. per stone, . L.375

1000 acres. Gross produce, L.2625 6 8

The hill-ground, always in pasture, extends to about 5000 acres, grazing about 4000 sheep, which, reckoned at 4s. per sheep, gives the gross product of this part of the parish at L.800. According to this calculation, the gross produce of the land in pasture, or in cultivation, amounts to L.23,088, 17s. 6d. which may probably be considered a pretty near approximation to the truth.

Manufactures, - There is a woollen manufactory in the village of Menstrie, employing about fifty hands ; a distillery at Dolls, near Menstrie ; a paper-manufactory near Bridge of Allan ; and a spinning-mill lately established in the same neighbourhood. All appear to be under good management; and I am not aware that any of them are injurious to the morals or health of the people.

V. - Parochial Economy.

Market Town. - There is no market-town in this parish. The nearest is Stirling, which adjoins the southern boundary of the parish, and Alloa, about three miles from its eastern extremity.

Villages. - There are five villages in the parish of Logie, besides smaller hamlets. Menstrie, the largest, contains near 500 inhabitants. It is a flourishing village, with a well attended school, and an active woollen manufactory. Blair Logie, famous for the salubrity of its climate and goat-whey, is a beautiful clean village, at the rocky base of the Ochils, commanded by the Old Place, or Castle of Blair Logie, now the residence of a respectable hill farmer. It contains little more than 100 inhabitants. Craigmill is a small village at the southern base of the Abbey Craig, formerly celebrated for the smuggling propensities of its inhabitants ; but since the duty on spirits was lowered, it has been deprived of this branch of trade. Population about 90. Causewayhead, terminates the Long Causeway of Stirling, population about 200. Bridge of Allan, a flourishing village on the banks of the Allan, is now much resorted to on account of its proximity to the Airthrey mineral springs, population near 200.

Means of Communication. - There are four turnpike roads in this parish, which meet in one point at the village of Causewayhead, viz. the Crieff, Alloa, Dollar, and Stirling roads. Their joint extent amounts to about eleven or twelve miles. The roads are in indifferent repair, especially the Crieff road, which is always in bad order, and rendered impassable by tolls. There are no fewer than seven turnpike gates and check-bars in the parish, all within about two miles of the manse.

Stirling is the post-town from whence letters are conveyed to the different parts of the parish by letter-carriers on foot. Two public coaches, besides the mail from Perth to Glasgow, pass through the parish ; also an omnibus from Stirling to Alloa, and during summer an omnibus plies regularly several times a day between Bridge of Allan and Stirling. *

* The steam-boats which ply between Stirling and Newhaven afford cheap and expeditious communication to all the country near the Forth.

A very elegant bridge has lately been thrown over the Forth at Stirling, the old bridge having been deemed unsafe. The bridge over the Allan is one of those narrow, old-fashioned, dangerous bridges so common in this part of the country, which one would hardly expect to find at the present day on a great public road, such as that between Perth, Stirling, and Glasgow. The fences are chiefly thorn hedges, in good condition.

Ecclesiastical State. — The parish church could not be more conveniently situated, being nearly in the very centre of the parish. It is thus placed, however, at the distance of two miles and upwards from the two most populous villages, Menstrie, and Bridge of Allan, which are situated, the one at the eastern, and the other at the western extremity of the parish. The church was built in 1805. It is a plain, unpretending structure, but neat and commodious. Its situation is considered peculiarly romantic and beautiful ; and that of the old church (now an interesting ruin) still more so. It is in thorough repair ; but formerly was cold in winter, - a defect which has lately been remedied by the erection of a stove for heated air. It is seated for 644 people, but can accommodate a much larger number. There are no free sittings except those set apart for the poor in No. 16. Neither are there any sittings let The manse was built about 1803. It was a small, and by no means a comfortable house, with offices in a very miserable condition, when the present incumbent came into possession of the living in 1832. At that time it received a considerable addition ; and new offices were built at the joint expense of the heritors and the present incumbent. The glebe, independent of garden, consists of about six acres of excellent land, which was let by the present incumbent at L.4 per acre. The stipend consists of 17 chalders, half in meal and half in barley, payable according to the fiars of the three different counties in which the parish is situated. Converted into money, the stipend of late years has never exceeded L.230, except the two last years, when, owing to the high prices, it considerably exceeded that sum. There is no place of worship, besides the parish church, connected with the Established Church in the parish. The only Dissenting-chapel is at Blair Logie, and belongs to the Relief body. The minister, I understand, is paid by the seat rents, and by the collection at the church doors.

From the lists lately completed for the General Assembly's Church Extension Committee, it appears that there are 244 families in the habit of regularly attending the Established Church, comprehending 1086 individuals of all ages, and 163 families who attend the Relief place of worship at Blair Logie, and the different Dissenting meeting-houses in the neighbouring towns, comprehending 706 individuals. The average number of communicants at each administration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the parish church is about 340. *

* Considering the great distance of the most populous villages from the church, the attendance at divine service is remarkably good.

Education. - There are four schools in the parish, viz. the parochial school, and three others which are supported by the school fees. The school at Menstrie is also partly maintained by an annual, allowance from Lord Abercromby. The usual branches of education are taught in all the schools, and Latin and Greek in he parochial school. The salary of the parochial teacher amounts to L.30, and the school-fees average about L.38 per annum. The school-house is situated about the centre of the parish, in he neighbourhood of the church, and is a neat and tasteful building in the cottage style. The general expense of education varies according to the different branches taught, from 2s. 6d. to 7s. 6d. per quarter, - the fees for English alone being 2s. 6d. ; when writing, arithmetic, etc. are added, 4s. 6d. ; Latin, 5s. ; book-keeping, 7s. 6d. A small sum is allowed by the heritors and kirk-session to the parochial teacher for instructing the children of the poor.*

* An infant and girl's school has been lately established at Causewayhead, by the Honourable Mrs Abercromby, and promises to be of the very greatest benefit to the neighbourhood.

The people in general are perfectly alive to the importance of education, and even the poorest often show a great anxiety to procure it for the children. Children are sent to school from the most remote corners of the parish, though the distance, especially during winter, must render it very inconvenient. There are probably none above six years of age, who have not been taught to read or write.

Library. - There is a parochial library, containing a few good books, at Blair Logie, and a small village library has lately been established at Bridge of Allan.

Savings Bank, - There is a Savings Bank in the parish, in which investments are made chiefly or entirely by the working-classes.

Poor and Parochial Funds. - The average number of persons on the poor roll is about 17 or 18. The usual allowance varies from 4s. to 8s. per month. The amount of the collections at the church-door is from L.50 to L.60 per annum, which is sufficient for the support of the regular poor. Other parochial expenses, board of lunatics in the Glasgow Asylum, etc. have hitherto been defrayed by drawing very unwisely on the principle of a small sum lodged in the Bank of Scotland, and now reduced to L.100. There is also a bequest of L.18 by the late Sir Robert Abercromby, distributed amongst the poor on the roll at the beginning of every year.

April 1841.

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